I uploaded a new snippet called ‘latexpic’ to my git server. It can be used to quickly generate PNGs from partial LaTeX source. It requires LaTeX, Imagemagick and Bash.
> latexpic "white on black" '$ f(x) = e^x $ \\ $ f(\bar x) = \bar x^2 $'
… generated this:
I decided to rewrite TDL, my language for weightlifting plans. The program generates concrete training days from an abstract schedule description. You can find the source on my git server and releases at releases.fireandbrimst.one.
The output looks something like this (see the input and output files):
$ ./TDL schedule.tdl
$ cat schedule20201104-223938.txt
Squat: 175.00
HexDeadlift: 200.00
Bench: 110.00
Press: 80.00
Day 1
| Set | Plates | Resulting |
| -------------- | ---------------- | --------- |
| 32.00 x 5 | 5, 0.5 | 31.00 |
| 40.00 x 5 | 10 | 40.00 |
| 48.00 x 3 | 10, 2.5, 1.25 | 47.50 |
| 48.00 x 7 | 10, 2.5, 1.25 | 47.50 |
| 52.80 x 4 | 10, 5, 1.25 | 52.50 |
| 57.60 x 10 | 10, 5, 2.5, 1.25 | 57.50 |
| 40.00 x 10 x 5 | 10 | 40.00 |
5 sets of 10 chin-ups or 10 rows
I don’t really know, why I ever stopped using a feed reader, but I’ve recently got back to it to minimize my online time. In that vein, my static site generator wombat now generates RSS feeds for blogs.
Sadly, Twitter no longer provides RSS feeds itself, but I made a template for drivel, my Twitter CLI, to get around that. It’s useful with the home, mentions and timeline commands.
Lastly, I put some bash glue around youtube-dl, jq and GNU date to generate RSS for YouTube channels or playlists. irq0 correctly mentioned that YouTube provides RSS - but only for channels and only with Flash. Personally, I like the embedded iframe better. youtube-dl does not provide the upload date in playlists so a faux one is created for ordering by playlist position.
I am not a big fan of syntax highlighting - I fail to see the use for anything other than judging the length of a string or comment.
Based on the Darcula theme, I uploaded a color scheme that disables all colors other than the above.
drivel, my Twitter CLI, has some new capabilities now. I moved the original functionality to the ‘status’ subcommand, and added subcommands for home, mentions, replies and likes.